Daimler Truck Unveils Plans For Fully Autonomous Semi-Truck By 2027

As early as 2027, Daimler Truck plans to sell a fully autonomous semi model. Torc Robotics, "Daimler Truck's independent subsidiary for autonomous virtual driver technology," provided th

Breaking Stereotypes: Why Electric Vehicles Need Feminine Design Touch

So, Tesla's Cybertruck. Love it or hate it, that thing is PEAK dudebro design, right? Like, it makes a Hummer look subtle. Then you've got all these other ridiculous-looking EVs, like they wer

Tips & Tricks
Unveiling the Safety Secrets Behind Your Car's Windows

You see those ads hyping up fancy new cars, right? All bragging about airbags and crash safety, but they NEVER talk about the windows. Turns out, that glass ain't just regular stuff. It's desi

Car News
The 2025 Ram 1500 RHO Is A High-Performance Pickup With Impressive Features

Meet the new 2025 Ram 1500 RHO: a truck built for power and precision! For starters, the Ram 1500 RHO stands out from the competition as the most competent light-duty pickup by virtue of its eigh

Crash Avoidance Tech? More Like Crash Assistance, Maybe…

So, the safety experts tested those fancy "automatic braking" systems on ten popular small SUVs. Turns out... oof. Only ONE got a "good", and SEVEN were straight-up bad. Yikes for

Unlocking Your Car's Speed: The Truth About Speed Limiters

So, you think your daily driver can hit 200mph? Dream on! Turns out, there's a sneaky little thing called a speed limiter that keeps us reasonable (and out of jail...). Here's how it ruins our

Understanding Air Brakes: How Semi-Trucks Stop Safely

Ever seen a semi try to park and it goes PHSSSSS-SCREECH? That's air brakes. Here's why they're a whole different beast from your car: Your Car: Leaks = No Brakes Your brakes

Car News
Toyota's Trail-Ready Titan: An In-Depth Look At The 2025 4Runner

Finally, the fifth-generation Toyota 4Runner is going out of production to make way for the first completely revamped 4Runner since the Bush administration. The 4Runner will forego the V6 in favo

Car News
2024 Toyota Land Cruiser: Historic Price Drop Unveiled!

According to official news from the carmakers, the 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser will start at 57.345 USD. This price includes the base MSRP of 55.950 USD alongside a fee destination of 1.395 USD. 

Car News
Ford Ranger MS-RT: Unleashing the Ultimate Street-Slaying Pickup

Hey there! Let's dive into something pretty cool that's rolling out from Ford's corner. Ever heard of the new Ranger MS-RT? Oh man, it's a looker and then some! Picture this: a truck t

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